Porcelain Veneers in Preston
Porcelain Veneers in Preston, unlike Crowns in Grimsargh, are a wafer-thin shell of porcelain that has been bonded to the front of a tooth, which is discoloured or has been damaged, to create a cosmetic improvement and can also develop a better bite. Porcelain veneers in Preston are a fantastic way to make dark and worn teeth look healthier and whiter.
In just a few days, Porcelain Veneers in Preston can even make your crooked teeth look straight and can be considered as one of our Teeth Straightening services, which will lead to a better appearance of your teeth, which is one of the main reasons that people get this treatment. The porcelain veneers that we supply at our dentistry in Preston can make yellow teeth permanently whiter and make gray stained teeth look much more natural.
Fantastic Composite Veneers in Grimsargh, Preston
Composite veneers in Grimsargh, Preston are a fantastic way to improve your smile. They are applied in just one day and can last your between four and eight years. Composite veneers provide a natural looking appearance and are much cheaper than porcelain veneers. One of the biggest advantages of getting composite veneers is that they can be reversed extremely easily; they can be replaced or removed if needed. This means if the patient is not completely satisfied with the treatment they are not stuck with it and can easily change it with little effort.
If you require any more information about our Composite Veneers in Preston or any other dental treatment that we provide here at Cosmetic Dentist Preston, then please feel free to take a look at our individual service pages, if you’re still unsure you can give us a call and one of our dentists will provide you with all the information that you require about any treatment that we have to offer.